Latest News from the Ambassify team
New feature

Instagram share improvements

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • October 09, 2023

Sharing on Instagram is now possible with more than one image. When you upload more than one image, the user will be presented with an option to download all the campaign's images and a button to open the Instagram app so they can start creating their multi-image post.

Additionally, this same flow makes it possible to share to Instagram using a web browser (on your phone, laptop, etc.) instead of our mobile app. These users will be presented with the same dialog that lets them open the Instagram app or website to create their posts.

New feature

Re-order images in gallery share

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • October 09, 2023

When you upload multiple images at once to create a campaign where your ambassadors share a gallery, you can now also re-order the images by using the arrows or by dragging and dropping them in the correct order.

New feature

Strava integration

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • September 28, 2023

Admins can select compatible goals (tracking distance or time) on which Strava tracking should be enabled.

💡Note that the Strava integration is currently in bèta and not publicly available for everyone. If you would like to receive more information about this, feel free to contact your Customer Success Manager.

Find out all about this new feature in this help article.

New feature

Export to Excel

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • September 28, 2023

When exporting members, interactions, reporting, etc., from Ambassify, you can choose whether to export to CSV or Excel.

New feature

Filter on bounced members

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • September 28, 2023

You can now list all members that are on our bounce list using the new "Email bounced" filter at Members:

When you click on the member you also see more information on the bounce reason:

New feature

Random selection of default share message

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • September 28, 2023

When you add more than one default share message, the frontend will randomly select which one is chosen initially when a member shares the content. This is to help get more varied content onto social media in case your members never go through the possible messages and always share the content as it is.

New feature

Descriptive names for reporting exports

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • September 08, 2023

When you download it, exports from reporting pages will now get a more descriptive name containing the report's name and selected date range.

New feature

New workflow: notify members of fulfilled reward requests

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • September 08, 2023

This new workflow automatically emails members whenever one of their reward requests is changed to the status "fulfilled." This happens when the admin user marks the reward as "done." 🤩

You can also preview the different workflows in the settings, workflows.

If you'd like to activate workflows, you can find the information to do so here.

New feature

Media validation on share campaigns

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • September 08, 2023

When you create a Social Share Campaign, our system will now automatically verify that the images and videos you plan to share are compliant with the specifications of the selected social media networks. This validation process will help prevent any unexpected issues when your content goes live.

You can find the details about image and video sizes here.

New feature

Share campaign links

Laurens avatar
Shared by Laurens • August 10, 2023

If you want to share a campaign with your members you can now also them the QR code or URL found behind the "Share Campaign" button. These will open the campaign in the community, either in the mobile app, if installed, or in a browser. Click here to find out more.