Latest News from the Ambassify team
New feature

Share campaign links

Laurens avatar
Shared by Laurens • August 10, 2023

If you want to share a campaign with your members you can now also them the QR code or URL found behind the "Share Campaign" button. These will open the campaign in the community, either in the mobile app, if installed, or in a browser. Click here to find out more.

New feature


Laurens avatar
Shared by Laurens • August 10, 2023

It's now possible to define "effects" on campaign interactions and reward fulfillment. An effect lets you define the real-life effect of an action within the Ambassify platform.


  • Interacting on a campaign that asks you to join a blood drive, could have the effect that every interaction is equivalent to donating 47cl of blood.
  • When a request for a reward that says your company will donate €50 to Greenpeace every time it's claimed, gets fulfilled, this would be the equivalent of donating €50 to Greenpeace

Want to find out more? Check out this help article!

New feature

Admins can see all campaigns in the community

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • August 01, 2023

We have disabled audience filtering for Admin users (Managers, Administrators) when they open the community (on the web version and in the mobile app), so they can now see all campaigns just like they can in the administration panel.


See pending and handled reward requests on the web community

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • July 24, 2023

The community on the web version now shows users their pending and handled reward requests, just like we already did in the mobile app.

Feature update

Conversion tracking for HubSpot forms

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • June 16, 2023

Conversion tracking for HubSpot forms has been updated 🙌.

Once your advocates have started sharing the link from your campaign and people click on those shared links, we'll keep track of which advocate's link they used to get to your form. The conversion will be tracked if these people fill in the HubSpot form.

New feature

Share on all connected accounts of a social media network

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • June 14, 2023

Users connected to more than one account of the same social media network will now be presented with an extra button that allows them to share to all the accounts of that network simultaneously. Accounts they've already shared to will be excluded from this.

New feature

Scrollable leaderboards in the web community

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • June 14, 2023

Just like we offer in our mobile app, the web version now allows community members to scroll through the entire leaderboard.

New feature

Mentioning people on LinkedIn

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • June 09, 2023

We've acquired the necessary permissions from LinkedIn to use a new API that allows you to search for your followers so they can be mentioned in the default share message.

It no longer requires our browser plugin, but admins should connect their LinkedIn company instead.

You can find all the information in this article.

New feature

Member campaigns

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • May 26, 2023

Member campaigns can be enabled on campaign tabs to allow your community members to create their own posts in your community. A fixed feed item will be available on tabs where this feature is enabled. Members can use it to start creating their own campaigns.

For now, these are campaigns without a challenge attached. They are meant for members to be able to create simple content-based campaigns for other members to see and comment on. Thanks to user-generated content, you can stimulate the community feel and help keep your members engaged.

This feature is now available for testing and will be included in Premium and Enterprise plans. It's currently only available on the web version. The mobile version is currently in the making.

Contact your Customer Success Manager if you would like to test it.

You can read the help article here.

New feature

LinkedIn Company Page Share

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • May 17, 2023

It's now possible to let users share posts on LinkedIn Company Pages.

You can read all about it in this article.