Latest News from the Ambassify team
New feature

Preview links in the campaign builder

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • May 10, 2023

The campaign builder now offers links to preview a campaign while you're working on it.

New feature

Searchable filter dropdowns

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • May 10, 2023

We've made the filter dropdowns on campaigns and message overviews searchable. This makes it easier for you to filter on a specific campaign type for example;

New feature

Campaigns that don't require member action

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • April 20, 2023

You can now create campaigns that don't require members to do anything and are automatically removed from the To-do tab after a member has opened them.

New feature

Reward-based member filters

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • April 20, 2023

You can now filter your members based on whether or not members have requested any or a specific reward in the past and in which state the request is at.

New feature

New sharing features

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • April 17, 2023

We've added a few new features to share campaigns.

Album shares

You can now upload multiple images when selecting what you want your members to share. For channels that support it (LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook Pages, and if API share is enabled), this will create "album posts" - a single post that includes more than one image - when shared on the channel.

Share variants

We've replaced our "share preview" variants with full-featured share variants. This means you can now create variants of what your members will be asked to share instead of just what a link preview of the share would look like.

In other words, when asking members to share an image or a video, you can now provide more than one variant of the image or video.

New feature

Campaign suggestions and auto-generated content

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • April 13, 2023

Last week we released the AI bèta feature that allows you to generate share message suggestions. We've now added two more artificial intelligence experiments to the platform!

  • Campaign suggestions: get suggestions for campaigns to create that are relevant to the upcoming weeks or a topic of your choice
  • Campaign content writer: based on a summary, our AI writes the content for your campaign

Interested to try these out? Get in touch with your Customer Success Manager for more information.

New feature

AI-powered default share message suggestions

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • April 03, 2023

Hi there,

Our platform has a new feature where you can request the generation of default share messages for your share campaigns. Utilizing artificial intelligence, we'll create a share message that corresponds to the content of your campaign and is in the language of your campaign's settings. 🤖

💡This experimental feature may not be a permanent platform part. To use this feature, customers must sign an addendum to the DPA.

If you want to try this feature, don't hesitate to contact us! 🙌🏼

New feature

Custom exports

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • March 31, 2023

Hey there,

We can now offer custom reporting exports. The reports are available in CSV, JSON, and XLSX format. They can be downloaded in our interface or integrated into a customer’s infrastructure using a static URL from which the report can be downloaded.