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Time Off
Time & Attendance

Include archived employees in reports

Agata avatar
Shared by Agata • July 11, 2023

We’ve added the option to include archived employees in the Attendance report in the Time Off module. You can prepare and export reports for all achieved users in one click. 🎉🎉🎉

From now on, you can prepare reports faster and easier by deciding if you want to include archived employees in your reports.

Microsoft Integration
Time & Attendance
Time Off

Introducing Microsoft 365 Integration

Agata avatar
Shared by Agata • July 10, 2023

We prepared a completely new, native integration, thanks to which you and your team can register working hours and manage leaves and absences directly from MS 365, MS Teams, and MS Outlook. 🎉🎉🎉

See what you can do in Calamari MS 365 integration:

  • fully functional Clock with details of the working day, where you can mark the working time, breaks and workover projects with descriptions of the working day;
  • Records view – containing data on hours worked;
  • Scheduled absences – displaying the employee's upcoming planned absences;
  • Absences in the company – that allows you to check who's absent on a given day or in the coming days;
  • Availability – a tile showing the employee's availability and holiday limits.